In this release we are adding the option for customers to enable Multi-Factor Authentication as well as some minor improvements and bug fixes.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has been added for user login. This is a customer setting and is by default disabled. To add MFA to users user login please be in touch with contact your Controlant contact and we will assist you with implementing the feature.
Once enabled, users are required to enter a MFA code once the username and password has been successfully entered.
Within In the SCM User settings, users can choose to have the MFA code delivered by SMS or Email. The default setting is Email.
A Save & Close option has been added in each step of edit the Edit Shipment mode for Draft shipments. This feature allows users to quickly edit relevant information and the then close the edit Edit Shipment form without needing to go through all of the steps each time.
Improvements in handling and storing logs to handle manage large scale of logs.
Bug fixes
User was unable to clear location selection in shipment search.
Warning messages updated.
Long lines were not wrapped in shipment preview.
Products Custom Properties were not shown displayed in Products Master data.