The first tab in the top view is the Info tab that shows shipment information and the operations that the user can perform on the shipment. The available operations are as shown on the image below.
Under the action buttons, the user can find high level information about a shipment including:
Excursion status: Low, Medium, High
Delivery on time: Late or on time depending on what is set in the Delivery By field in shipment creation
Quality: Undecided/Good/Bad or Undecided/Released/Partially Released/Rejected
Shipment MKT: Mean Kinetic Temperature
Max and Min Temperature: the highest and lowest temperature recorded during the shipment
Inspection Status: Not Inspected/Being Inspected/Inspected
While in the Info tab, it is possible to edit the Shipment Description. To do this, press the Pencil icon next to the Shipment Description in the top left corner of the Info screen.
When rearming boundaries, the logger can only receive the command to rearm a boundary when it wakes up. A wake-up only occurs on a preset interval, when a button is pressed on the logger, or if the logger detects an excursion. The earliest any further alerts can be issued by a rearmed logger is at its next wake-up, regardless of the delay selected. For example, if you select to rearm a logger immediately but the logger is not scheduled to wake up for 40 minutes, the earliest you can receive an alert is in 40 minutes time.Note that when
When rearming a logger, the accumulative time limit will not be reset. This means that if the logger is still experiencing an excursion, an alert will immediately be issued when the logger wakes up and receives the command to rearm the boundary.
To resolve the issue causing an excursion before rearming the boundaries on a logger. Additionally, if the excursion has been resolved, but the logger detects conditions that breach the boundary, it will immediately issue an alert rather than waiting for the set time.
Request Report
When a shipment is closed a user can request a report in the Single Shipment view by clicking the Request Report button. Reports can be requested from shipments that are Shipping, Delivered and Closed. Pressing Request Report opens a modal where the user inserts an E-mail address and can choose to get extra data with the report by setting some Report config.