This is a glossary for clients of Controlant. The purpose of the glossary is to explain terms and terminology used in the user guide and user interface as well as other forms of documentation. The content is subject to change. Please contact with suggestions for additional terms or amendments/removal of existing terms.
In some instances, the use of terminology and definitions is customized according to customer specific requirements. These are marked with an * in the glossary.
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A user account is used to access the system and assigned to a specific customer account at creation.
Admin user
An admin user is a user with permission to make changes in the system, for example add, assign, edit, and delete.
A message that is sent by the logger when it detects that a boundary has been triggered with a severity level which has contacts.
A message that is sent by the logger when it detects that a boundary has been triggered with a severity level which has contacts.
Application programming interface.
API (Pharmaceutical)
Active pharmaceutical ingredient.
At destination
Shipment is close to delivery point or at destination.
At origin
Start button has been pushed but has not left the geofence.
Average Duration [hrs/d]
Average time a shipment stayed at a certain point of interest.
Average temperature
Average of the temperature reading sent from loggers every 10 minutes during a shipment.
Average (Avg.) release time
Number of days from the time that a shipment is delivered and until it is closed.
Amazon Web Services.
Battery level
Loggers are charged in designated charging stations when battery levels are low.
A type of control represented by a rectangle with words and/or icons describing its function. Often used to cancel a proposed action or submit a form. Button should not be confused with Device Button.
A temperature level and time limit rule as set by the customer. An example of boundaries are Upper and Lower.
Charging station
The charging station is the charger for loggers with low battery levels. The charging station can charge a maximum of five loggers at once. A LED light indicates whether the station is in use or not.
Collection severity
For those cases where there are more than one shipment with the same Shipment Reference number, this field shows the highest severity of those shipments.
An element of a page with which the user can interact. This included form inputs, links, clickable images and interactive maps.
Controlant monitoring system ID (CMS ID)
An 8 character hexadecimal number used to identify a specific device. All devices have a unique CMS ID. Devices are also labelled with serial numbers.
A measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables in statistics.
Correlation identifiers
Correlation ID Pattern. The Controlant Integration API.
Controlled Room Temperature.
Customer account
The primary object for a customer under which all assets and objects are grouped. Data from one customer is not accessible by other customers.
Data gap
When there is a break or interval in temperature data during a shipment due to a poor signal or other environmental reasons.
Data lake
A collective pool of data from across all available data sources providing easy access to queries across multiple domains.
Data missing
When the temperature data stops reporting during and until the end of a shipment.
Stop button has been pressed and status changed in the Controlant system.
Delivery method
The method that is specified in the system that determines when the logger starts or stops recording data for the shipment. The available methods are Geofence only, Button only, Geofence OR Button, Geofence AND Button. Also known as Stop method. Both methods are equivalent.
A hardware device issued by Controlant for use as part of the Controlant Monitoring system. Devices must have a Controlant Monitoring System ID.
Device button
A button on a device that can be pressed by a user, which upon being processed causes the device to perform some action. Not to be confused with Button.
A dialog is a pop-up box (either in the original window or new window) asking for user input on a single matter, usually by cancelling and/or confirming option. Examples include the Ship Shipment Dialog, Delete Shipment Dialog, and Share Shipment Dialog.
Duration of release process
Number of days from the time that a shipment is delivered and until it is closed.
Any distinct item or structure displayed on a page. All items displayed on a page are some kind of element. Extremely broad category as it includes text, layout elements such as panels, and images.
Any single action logged by a logger monitoring a shipment, e.g. milestone reached, button pressed, alarm detected, comment made, etc.
Event log
List of events related to a specific shipment.
An incident where a defined parameter of a shipment is no longer met, such as temperature setting, transportation route, or mode.
A set of severity levels used to indicate boundaries that, if triggered, impact the product quality. The excursion levels are Low, Medium, and High.
An extension of values by inferring unknown values from known trends in the applicable data.
An input control that accepts text. A field includes both drop-down menu and free text.
The hardware imbedded software to manage the monitoring and USB upload functions. The Firmware is considered as component of the instrument itself.
A form is a page in the system with the primary purpose of accepting user input. Examples include the create shipment form in multiple steps.
Freeze-thaw cycle
The number of times a product can thaw without affecting its efficacy.
A configurable area around the origin or destination site.
Global Freight Forwarder.
Global positioning system.
The last recorded location was at a Harbor or Airport.
A distinctive image used to represent the purpose of an element. Optionally accompanied by text. Optionally Control.
Idle time
Amount of time the shipment has been idle in location.
Ignore period
A configurable period of time where the logger is instructed to not report the temperature data either at the start and/or at the end of a shipment.
Area where a quality representative can make comments of the shipment’s status. The character limit is 500.
Internet of Things.
The route between origin location and final destination location.
Last exception
Last exception notified.
Last location
Last physical location the shipment registered an alarm or alarm was triggered.
Last location type
Type of location where shipment was last logged.
Last reported
Last location where coordinates were checked.
A part of a lane between two location points (if en route) or a specific location (if stationary). See property list below.
Leg type
Type of location (if stationary) or description of status (if en route).
Light event
An event recorded when the light sensor on the logger detects a significant change in value from dark environment to bright environment, or from bright environment to dark environment.
A logger is located in a location. Location is a geographical position visible on maps in the user interface.
Hardware. A device that records temperature and/or humidity measurements. Also referred to as device in documentation.
Logger list
The logger list is the right-hand control in the logger views, providing a number of filter options and a list of loggers that match the currently selected filters.
Long-term drift (LTD)
Also known as long term stability. The measured reading of the amount of change at the exact same pressure and ambient conditions over a given period of time. LTD is typically quoted as an annual figure.
Logistics Service Provider.
Machine to machine.
Use Create instead.
Mean Kinetic Temperature levels are a measurement of fluctuations in temperature during the storage or transit of perishable goods.
A severity level used to indicate that the temperature is approaching levels, which, if reached, impacts product quality. The levels are low, medium, and high.
Packaging type
Type of packaging used for the shipment.
A panel is a pop-up box presenting a number of sub-sections of varying matters. Examples include User Settings panel and Admin settings panel.
A generic term for the roles or account level required for a given action.
Point of destination
The arrival point of the shipment.
Point of origin
The departure point of the shipment.
A list of attributes distinctive to the particular shipment.
The types of reports are shipment reports, delivery reports, and temperature reports.
Radio Frequency Definition.
Stands for Supply Chain Monitoring. This is Controlant’s software platform and its function is to monitor the flow of goods and/or services from a point of origin to a point of destination.
Classifies exceptions into severity categories depending on pre-defined criterion from lowest severity to highest severity for a single shipment. An attribute of the boundary, usually used to name and differentiate the boundaries as set by the customer. Severity levels are Low, Medium, and High.
Signal strength
A measure of how well the data is transmitted.
Loggers are assigned to shipments by the customer. The customer can create a shipment in the Create a Shipment button in the lower left corner of the user interface. Shipments can have the following statuses: created, ready, shipped, delivered, closed, and deleted.
Shipment duration
Duration (in hours) per event or shipment as a whole.
Shipment ID
Internal Controlant reference number assigned to each individual shipment.
Shipment list
The shipment list is the right-hand control in the shipment views, providing a number of tabs that each show shipments that meet a specific set of filters and the shipment search form. The tabs are Active, Inspection, Preparation, Closed, and Search.
Shipment log
A centralized place where it is possible to view various shipment data recorded over a period of time.
Shipment progress
Portion of distance traveled (in km) from origin.
Shipment reference number
The reference number for a shipment.
Single logger view
A view showing a single logger. The view includes tabs for sub-views such as Info, Chart, and Data.
Single shipment View
A view showing a single shipment. The view includes tabs for sub-views such as Info, Chart, Data, Products, Properties, and Comments.
Standard Operating Procedures.
Secure SHell is a cryptographic network protocol. It is used for operating secure network services over an unsecured network. The applications include a remote command-line, a login, and a remote command execution. SSH can secure any network service.
Stability data
A stability data states that a product can encounter an excursion on a certain temperature range for a certain amount of time and can still be released to market
Standby mode
When the logger enters into a low power mode it will record the temperature once every 10 minutes. The logger wakes up once every 12 hours to check if the status has changed in the system, for example, assigned to a shipment.
Start button
The logger is awakened from the Standby Mode by pressing and holding this button. The shipment to which the logger is assigned is started.
Start method
The method that is specified in the system that determines when the logger starts or stops recording data for the shipment. The available start methods are Geofence only, Button only, Specific set time, Geofence OR Button, Geofence AND Button.
Stop button
An Event is registered by pressing the Stop button.
Stop method
The method that is specified in the system that determines when the logger starts or stops recording data for the shipment. The available methods are Geofence only, Button only, Geofence OR Button, Geofence AND Button. Also known as Delivery method. Both methods are equivalent.
Supply chain
The flow of goods and/or services from a point of origin to a point of destination.
A category of items on the user interface (UI).
Temperature exception
Temperature is above or below the set limits for the shipment.
Temperature range (groups)*
Temperature as defined in SCM with subsequent group mapping for reporting purposes.
Thermal cargo blanket
A thermal cargo blanket used in shipments is a fitted sheet encased around a pallet of goods. Thermal cargo blankets are used in the distribution of pharmaceuticals (in particular, international air cargo shipments) and non-refrigerated CRT products.
Transportation mode*
Transportation mode as defined in SCM with subsequent group mapping for reporting purposes.
User Acceptance Test.
User interface. Also referred to as web interface.
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