SCM v2.22.0

Release date

Sep 27, 2022

Release type



Min/Max shown in shipment view


The minimum and maximum temperature values are one of the first data points that Quality Release look at when determining if a product can be released to market.

This information has been available in the pdf shipment reports that are generated at the end of the shipments, but is now available in the UI from the time logger starts reporting after the shipment is started.


Excursion handling


We made minor updates with regards to how logger excursion events are displayed if a shipment is manually delivered to a time prior to the excursion taking place. This changed is aimed to reduce possible confusion for users and improve consistency of how the data is presented in the user interface.

In the example, the logger was removed from the product, but the shipment wasn’t delivered. The temperature increased, resulting in an excursion. The shipment is later manually delivered at the time when the logger was detached from the product. This leaves the excursion, as shown in the image above, outside the monitoring period.


Previously, SCM was accounting for all excursions reported from loggers paired with the shipment and showing the excursions as triggered (see below image). This has been causing confusion for shipments similar to the example above.


The Excursion Boundaries table will now only show excursions that happened within the monitoring time resulting in the table being displayed as below.


User feedback if shipment is recreated with recalled/disabled loggers.


In the process of duplicating shipments, it was identified that it needed to be made more clear to the user if a logger in the shipment was inactive (recalled or disabled).

Two steps were added:

First, there is an error message in the pop-up modal notifying the user that a logger in the shipment that is being duplicated is inactive.


Second, after the shipment is duplicated there will be an empty logger slot for the disabled logger. This ensures that the shipment is not completed without addressing the empty logger slot.


Warning when manually requesting report with missing data.


A warning was added to ensure that users that are requesting a report manually identify if the shipment is missing data before going ahead and requesting the report to be sent to an email address.



3rd party device support


Controlant is taking the first step to support data from 3rd party devices. At first, the support will be limited to a specific provider and a specific device for a defined project.

The bulk of the changes will be outside the SCM solution but a couple of changes needed to be made for the SCM solution to ensure expected functionality.