SCM v2.17.0 Release Announcement

SCM v2.17.0 Release Announcement


SCM UI Restyle

Description: The SCM UI has gone through some restyle to better align with Controlant branding. What this entails is that logo and colors are updated to the current Controlant branding standard.

In addition the look of buttons and window responsiveness to different sizes has been updated.

Users should still find all the actions in the same place as before.

Impact: While this change impacts all users, a special care was taken so that the functionality would be minimally impacted. However, there are a few changes that we want to mention specifically:

  • In the single shipment view the tabs have been moved to the left and underneath the Shipment Name.


  • The Admin Panel is now a page and not a pop up modal.

  • Shipment list item has been slightly updated. See below current (left) and updated (right).


  • Buttons have slightly updated look and feel.


30 Logger per shipment

Description: Maximum number of loggers in a single shipment raised from 12 to 30. Increasing the number of loggers in a single shipment to a maximum of 30 loggers will reduce the need for customers for having to split their shipments into multiple shipments. 

Impact: This impacts all customers. Users should not be impacted created a shipment, i.e. the process remains the same.

  • Less need to split shipments into multiple shipments due to logger restrictions.

  • Shipment report is extended


Shipment Quality assessment based on Product data

Description: With this addition the quality of shipments (auto release process) with Products will be released based on the Products' stability data defined in the Controlant Platform.

The quality assessment, is run in the backend and is triggered by shipment delivery. Once the shipment is delivered the system will now detect if the account is using Products Module. If there are Products on the shipment the shipment quality assessment is made based on the Product’s stability data. For customers not using the Product Module the assessment will be made as before.

Impact: This change only applies to customers that are using the Products Module and have their product stability data defined in the system.


Location pagination

Description: Instead of loading all locations created in the system, the locations are now loaded partially. Only first 50.

Impact: For acounts with many locations (scale of thousands) the SCM UI will be significantly faster, especially loading the Locations tab.

Since the locations are not all loaded into the SCM UI, they are not handily available when selecting locations for new shipments. Due to this fact a location search was implemented but a short delay might occur between user manually creating a new location in the SCM UI and for the location to become available in the create shipment form. This will be indicated to the user when a new location is created.

Search for Shipments by multiple origins and destinations

Description: When using the shipment search in SCM the user can now select multiple locations in origin and/or destination fields. This can come in handy for example when searching for shipments for several lanes or when the locations are created from ERP data and there are multiple locations in defined in the Controlant platform for the same physical location.

Impact: Minimal user impact. Users can continue to supply one location to the shipment search if they wish.

Manually start or stop individual loggers from SCM UI

Description: Added feature that allows user that have permission to modify shipments to manually set shipping time and delivery time of individual loggers. Previously when manually shipping or delivering it was only possible to do that on a shipment level, affecting all loggers.

It is a benefit to apply these actions to individual loggers in situations e.g. where a single logger was not properly started by the button on location or a single logger must be delivered as it was removed from the shipment at customs.

Below is a WIP snapshots for the feature.


Impact: This change will impact users with permission to modify shipments. The action will be available in the shipment view with the loggers.

Make it easier for users to find templates when creating shipments

Description: Users can now type in template name when selecting templates during shipment creation. Simply select the drop down menu and start typing in the template name. The list will be reduced based on the user input.


Impact: This will impact all users that create shipments and are using warning and contact templates. Instead of having to search through all the templates the users can now easily find the templates they are looking for by typing in the template name, or a part of the template name, to narrow down the resutlts.

Discontinued support of IE11

Description: As of this release Controlant will no longer be supporting Internet Explorer as a browser. A specific notification was sent out to selected users February 10, 2021 and to all active users March 22, 2021.

Impact: This will impact all users that are using IE as their browser. Users visiting SCM via IE will be shown a message saying the browser is not supported and directed to the supported browser.

Minor changes

Following changes will be included in the release as well with minimum impact on the user.

  • User can now right click Create Shipment button and open in a new tab.

  • Canary Islands have been added to the available list of countries.

  • Error message improved when manual Data Upload fails.

  • Possibility to select all loggers when performing a rearm action.


Bug fixes

Following bug fixes are included in the release:

  • Timezone name was not updated with Customer setting in the Shipment Reports

  • When resetting a password no error message was displayed if user enters a password conflicting with customers reuse password policy.


Please contact me with any questions or concerns at ragnar@controlant.com

Kind regards,

Ragnar Gylfason
Product Owner,