SCM v2.26.0 Release Announcement

SCM v2.26.0 Release Announcement


This release is focused on continued improvements to mitigate missing data cases and other user experience improvements. We are also slowly working on making our branding consistent with our new Brand Style Guide.

An overview of all features and improvements is listed below:

Login screen styles updated

A new Brand Style Guide has been published at Controlant, and we will be taking incremental steps to align all our branding according to the changes.

In 2.26.0, our login screens have been updated to reflect the lighter and softer approach to design.


User impact:

No impact on current user requirements; this is just a cosmetic update.

The system will trigger a temperature analysis as soon as a manual data upload event is detected

Instead of relying on a scheduled process, the temperature analysis for Quality Assessment will be triggered as soon as a manual data upload event on a logger marked as missing data is detected. This change was implemented in order to speed up the release and Quality Assessment of shipments and reduce the time and user confusion while waiting for shipments in “Shipment Analysis Issues” to update.

Requirement impact:


  • SCMRS-612: The system will schedule a shipment analysis when a logger in a delivered shipment triggers a manual data upload event.

User impact:

No impact on existing workflows. This will happen as a background process and ensure that shipments marked as Pending Data can move to analysis sooner.

Support for 24-hour wake-up interval

In order to support longer battery life and ensure continuous temperature monitoring on longer shipments, Controlant is introducing support for 24-hour wake-up intervals in the Saga loggers. This new setting will be able to be selected during shipment creation as well as set as a template option.

Note: CO.10 will not be supported and will default to its highest interval of 12 hours should the user accidentally select it.

Requirement impact:


  • SCMRS-606: A user can create a shipment with a logger set to 24-hour wake-up interval.

User impact:

An additional option will be available on the dropdown when selecting wake-up intervals. If a shipment is manually delivered, there is a greater chance that shipments with loggers waiting for this wake-up will take longer to send data and, therefore, keep their “Pending Data” status during this waiting period.

Warning to users if they try to manually request a pdf report while the shipment is shipping

We are adding a warning to users trying to manually request reports on shipping shipments to inform them that the data is incomplete and, therefore, should not be used for releasing products.


Requirement impact:


  • SCMRS-607: A user receives feedback when trying to request a delivery report before the shipment has been delivered.

User impact:

Minimal impact on user flow; the warning works as a deterrent but does not block the user from requesting the report.

Time-out improvements

Description: We have added improvements to our time-out functionality to ensure a more stable connection to our system. The user should only be logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity.

User impact:

No impact.

Unit-Level Tracking

Description: In this release, Controlant is laying the groundwork to allow tracking of individual units. This validation requirement simply ensures that this configurable feature can be accessed while we test its efficacy on live data. The change has no impact on customers that are not configured for this testing phase.

Requirement impact:


  • SCMRS-611: A user with access to Unit Level Tracking will see its tab in SCM UI.

User impact:

No impact on existing workflows.

Other changes

  • Minor bug fixes

For any questions or concerns please contact support@controlant.com

Kind regards,

Controlant Product Team


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